150 Years from Now ........

 Ivan Miyingo, BPharm, MPS

150 Years from now none of us reading this today will be alive. 70% - 100% of everything we are fighting over right now will be totally forgotten. If we go back memory lane to 150 years before us that would be 1873.

None of those from 1873 that carried the world on their heads then are alive today. Almost all of us reading this right now will find it difficult to picture anybody's face of that era. Pause for a while and imagine how some of those 1873 fellas betrayed their own relatives.

They sold their friends & relatives for a piece of mirror. Some killed family members just for a piece of land or yam or cowries or worse, for a pinch of salt. To-date, where is the piece of yam, cowries, mirror or salt that they were using to brag.

Funny to mention that's how silly we humans are sometimes. Especially when it comes to power or/and trying to be relevant. I remember those days in my school how some fellas fought & did plenty of unimaginable things just to have their names shortlisted for prefectorial posts.

Plenty of the unimaginable just to become ordinary school prefects. It's just 10 years since I left school and nobody in any of the schools I attended right now remembers that I even ever schooled there, despite my undebatable popularity back then. Now imagine in 150 years.

Even when you claim the internet age will preserve your memory, think about Michael Jackson (MJ) as an example. MJ died in 2009. Imagine the influence he had over the world when he was alive. He was the world's 3rd most known person after Jesus Christ and Queen Elizabeth II.

How many young people of today remember MJ with 'awe’? that is, if they even know him. In years to come, his name will ring no bells to a lot of peopledespite his popularity. So, imagine the majority of people who will never be known worldwide like him.

Let us take life easy, no body will get out of this world alive. The land you are fighting for and ready to kill for, somebody left that land. That person is dead rotten and forgotten. That will also be your fate in 150 years to come.

None of our vehicles or phones we are using today to brag will be relevant. We must take life easy. Let Love lead. Be genuinely happy for each other. No malice, no backbiting, no jealousy, no comparison. It is not a competition.

At the end of the day, we all have the same destiny in the grave. It is a question of who gets there first, but death is the only meaning and climax of life and the only way we all leave this world.

Ivan Miyingo Quintus

Heaven Secrets


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